Reconnecting Communities with the
Magic of growing food Joy of sharing Bounty of Nature

You grow. We grow.

A community garden
by the community for the community

A video of Farmunity volunteers coming together to share the joy of growing food.

FARMUNITY is born out of love to connect people as they grow food together. Unity achieved through sustainable farming!

FarmUnity is a non-profit 501c3 organization that encourages cultivating initiatives. It is a space where the young and the old can step out of their homes to experience a sense of belonging. Don’t just share a vegetable garden. Share the joy of being a family!

We produce highly nutritious and chemical-free fruits and vegetables. They are distributed to local clinics, libraries, schools etc. A journey that started with 4,000 sq. ft. of land at Crofton Library has grown into many gardens, expanding to empower neighborhoods with resources, education, and tools.

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Pounds of
Food Donated
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People Served
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of Produce
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Sq ft Grass to
Garden Conversion

Get Involved

Our Farms

The spaces we create where sustainable farming meets community collaboration and shared growth.

For Volunteers

Look up our volunteer calendar to find opportunities to garden, educate, and connect with like-minded fellows!

Our Community

Join the FarmUnity fam to build stronger connections and champion the cause of sustainable farming.

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Grow With Us

Be part of FarmUnity—a community rooting for sustainable agriculture and social connections.